Dog Photography, Seattle WA

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How Most People See Me!

Taken by my good friend Sue Dunn. From back to front
of the line. Tasha, Samson, Phoebe and Hannah.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Home Comforts

A GOOD HARLEY needs plenty of quality leather nearby for
looks and comfort. He loves to just hang out with the family
no matter where they may gather.

Rob and Harley reading the Sunday morning news.

After all that reading, it's time for a real snooze.

Nose to Toes

Mattress with a View

Dreaming of a flying magic carpet ride.

Early morning burst of energy.

Harley really can fly!

Focus on the body language.

Did I mention Harley loves to wear eye-liner.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Lazy Summer Days

NOW I KNOW what it's like to lay belly-down in the middle of a black asphalt road on a warm sunny day. I must be honest, it was quite nice having the heat of the road warm me so quickly that I had a chill quiver over my body. Kind of like that prickly hair sensation that you may have experienced that goes up the back of your neck.

Did I mention that this wasn't just some random idea that crosses my mind. I went to take Harley for a walk and that's about as far as we traveled, just beyond the driveway. So we both, (not really) decided to lay down for a rest. I was at the mercy of Harley because I had the all mighty camera hanging around my neck and was ready for anything. Even if Harley decided to chase rabbits (not really, again) I would be there to capture him in action.

When the Rubber [Harley] Meets the Road