Dog Photography, Seattle WA

Friday, February 17, 2012

Boone Gets A PupScrub

Boone gets a personal scrub while I capture the moment.




Boone's ears are wrapped to keep the blow-dryer noise from disturbing him.

Russian Blues

Phoebe is a Russian Blue, very timid & shy but also very loveable when she warns up. As you can see by these image captures (in sequence) she kept her distance from me for the first couple of hours. Hiding behind walls, chairs and keeping her distance. While sitting on the floor or lounging in the living room Phoebe had no problems snuggling against me. Phoebe loves to get in the tub after her housemate showers to lick the water droplets from the shower walls. She is best as an only cat in the household.

This beautiful 14 year old feline lives in Greenville, South Carolina and belongs to my friend and brother-in-law Robert.