Dog Photography, Seattle WA

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Meet Slinky

Slinky is a Devon Rex, who was rescued from life as a breeding cat seven years ago. Typical traits of the Devon are the big ears and big eyes, curly fur and diminutive size. Her age is somewhere between 12 and 15, and yet she only weighs 6.5 pounds.


Because she was a rescue, she earned her name by slinking out from under the bed every night her first week in her new (and permanent!) home. She has several nicknames including: Slinkalinka, Slinkalotta Longstockings, Slinkster, Furry McPurry and Schmoozalina.

She is 100% a mama’s girl. As is typical of most Devons, she would be happiest if she could always be curled up around/by her human’s neck like some kind of lumpy stole. She’s a lover, not a fighter, and has only once shown interest in “attacking” another critter. (It was a spider she swatted at three or four times and then lost interest.)

She’s a little clumsy and has gimpy lungs – the result of an infection when she was younger. She likes to wrestle with paper, swat at knitting needles and rub on catnip toys. And don’t even get her started on how that tail, with the slightest kink at the end, sasses her into distraction.
Above all, she is loved.