Dog Photography, Seattle WA

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Biography of a Canine

A Marymoor Park regular, seen here.

On the Fence

For your viewing pleasure, a larger image for your desktop. Enjoy!

Never Slow Down

Always on the Go!
The swollen arthritic joints of this girl, never lets pain slow her down from a fun day at Marymoor off-leash dog park!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Shameless Self Promotion

Click on the calendar to see a larger version or
just click through the pages with the toolbar below.

I'm working on my canine calendar as we speak!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Beam Me Up Scotty

This one's for you Birthday Boy Burns.

Christmas Sweater

Meet Indy

Jack's speedy housemate.

Ridgeback Jack

Rhodesian Ridgeback is this beautiful breed. Ridgebacks are
strong-willed, loyal and intelligent, many seem to have a penchant for mischief, though lovingly. They are protective of their owners
and families.

Black and Tan

Betcha Can't Get My Ball!

Close Encounters

Unidentified Flying Object

Make sure you click to see the larger image.

Hover Craft

Make sure you click to see the larger image.

Golden Boy

Just a random Golden Retriever in the back of a pickup truck. Orondo Cider Works, Lake Entiat Washington.

Monday, November 02, 2009


Cinnamon Chocolate Fisher was rescued from the San Fernando Valley animal shelter in 1994 by Benjamin Fisher and his family. According to the pound worker, she was 2 or 3 years old at the time and she had been at the shelter for 3 weeks. The worker kept saying, “We only keep them 3 weeks.” She was scheduled to be euthanized that day. Ben urged his parents to take her and Cinnamon is now 17 or 18, grappling with Doggy Alzheimer’s, but still rambunctious and energetic.