Dog Photography, Seattle WA

Thursday, March 26, 2009

All Dogs Go To Heaven


First and foremost, my heart goes out to my brother and his wife for the recent passing of their beloved Casey. I would like to express my deepest sympathy for their loss. She has passed on to a better place.
"May she never run out of peanut-butter treats
and scratches behind her ears."

If there is a heaven, it's certain our animals are to be there.
Their lives become so interwoven with our own, it would take
more than an archangel to untangle them.—Pam Brown

I think God will have prepared everything for our perfect
happiness. If it takes my dog being there [in Heaven],
I believe he'll be there.—Rev. Billy Graham

The dog of your boyhood teaches you a great deal about
friendship, and love, and death: Old Skip was my brother.
They had buried him under our elm tree, they said — yet
this wasn't totally true. For he really lay buried in my heart.
Willie Morris,
My Dog Skip

For the soul of every living thing is in the hand of God.
Job 12:10

Have you ever heard of the Rainbow Bridge?.


fibrohaven said...

Thanks Chris. We really appreciate your beautiful tribute to our baby girl. She is in our hearts forever. R & D

Unknown said...

You are most welcome, sister! Say hi to my brother.

C & D